35 - Nevada, Betty Willis

Design is frequently about creating a space, image, culture, impact, or impression that changes a person's day. It defines what people experience. Huge developments, widespread distributions, down to the smallest impacts. Betty Willis designed a sign that has stood for 60 years, welcoming and initiating an experience for all in Las Vegas. Nevada is the 28th state to ratify the Nineteenth Amendment on February 7, 1920. “It’s a powerful combination of symbolism, kitsch and mythology,” said Hal Rothman, a history professor at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. “It embodies the casual hipness of Las Vegas, nostalgia for the Rat Pack minus Peter Lawford and Joey Bishop.” “It’s a call to arms for our city because ‘fabulous’ is what we do best,” said Richard Hooker, the city’s senior cultural specialist. “Classic neon artists like Betty are the design heroes of the city, giving the place an image in the public mind. Their signs are like music to the eyes.” The neon lights were t...