08 - New York, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Lucky to see one of my selected women to also have a very intense week of debate and news. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has stood up strong this week. And makes her more interesting to learn about.

New York was the eighth state to ratify the Nineteenth Amendment.

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is known as one of the largest upsets in the 2018 midterm primary election as she won her seat against 10-term incumbent, Joe Crowley. She is the youngest woman at 29 years old to serve the US Congress, and has shared her experience openly through her social media network. Her Puerto Rican culture and community has shaped her views on diversity. Following her advocacy for Bernie Sanders campaign in 2016, she fought for causes of America including the Flint, MI water crisis and Dakota Access Pipeline, the latter being the most significant issue that inspired her to run for Congress. She used outreach and support to defeat the incumbent who spent 18x the amount of funds she had available.

According to CNBC, an initial outline the Green New Deal called for “completely ditching fossil fuels, upgrading or replacing ‘every building’ in the country and ‘totally overhaul[ing] transportation’ to the point where ‘air travel stops becoming necessary’”. The outline set a goal of having the U.S. “creating ‘net-zero’ greenhouse gases in 10 years.” The Green New Deal calls for the electrical grid to run on renewables within 10 years.

She also advocates for criminal justice reform. Her thesis in an article with “America”, she poses the question “Discussions of reforming our criminal justice system demand us to ask philosophical and moral questions. What should be the ultimate goal of sentencing and incarceration? Is it punishment? Rehabilitation? Forgiveness? For Catholics, these questions tie directly to the heart of our faith.”

Recent news has her as head of “the Squad” for their rallying for border funding bill and voicing their non-support of the bill, even against the Democratic supporters.

Why this woman?

Similar to the whole country, I am getting to know Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and finding passions and connections that I can see myself in. She was on my list prior to her leading this week’s heavy debates. She is staged to be a significant shake up to one of the most stringent and stalemated organizations known - the US Congress. There are many issues that are driving for fresh voices not willing to stand in the footsteps of predecessors. Her passions for sustainability and criminal justice reform are two heart strings I explore every day. And she is pushing the needle without turning on her heritage or past. She stands up and stands strong as a public voice, open to the people, sharing the experience with everyone, representing with no boundaries. She is loud, and I’m curious to see if it brings our divided country together, or pulls further apart. Time will tell.


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