14 - Where Women Vote

Understanding the current state of voting in America, I made an infographic on voting trends for Women in America. And it is not as positive as I would have hoped.

There are over 160.5 million women voters in America. There are more women than men in America. Women have a bigger voice. The change today in women as leaders is astounding. Women never being allowed in top leadership political positions have become the ground for women to take on. Is this encouraging to more women to vote?

Winning the right to vote has not spread a culture of actively voting. The info-graphic below indicates the women in each state that participate in voting. The dark bar is the percentage of women registered to vote, and the orange bar indicates the percentage of those women that choose to vote.

None of the bars are close to 100% registered. And none of the states have high turnouts for women that are registered to vote. California and Texas, the top two most populated state in the country, have the lowest percent voter turnout of any other state.

It could be argued that if people fight so hard to no avail, why fight the battle at all. Voting is so important to me. It has been for my whole life. I cannot remember a ballot I did not turn in. I am excited to see the voter manuals come in my mailbox. I find the process of verifying voting ballots since the 2000 election riveting in process, structure, and intensity. And when it doesn’t work, like in 2000, it is earth shattering. My state of Washington has nail biting elections for Governor for the past two governors, over and over. We have a divided country that strives for voices to be heard and progress to become real. So why would so many people, in today’s time where they are free to vote, not.

Vote now for the people that do still have disenfranchised systems around our country.
Vote now for the people afraid to be seen with their vote on their sleeve.
Vote because someone died trying to vote.
Vote because other countries remain oppressed.
Vote because it makes your home a better place than the more unfortunate have.

Vote because your voice IS heard.

Click here for a great website on the status of women in USA.


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