22 - Utah, Chrissy Tiegen

Sometimes the voice that means the most is the voice that can speak loudly for the people around them. Chrissy Tiegen is a beautiful woman. A beautiful woman that feels the same things you and I do.

Utah is the 17th state to ratify the Nineteenth Amendment.

Ms. Tiegen moved frequently in her youth following her father’s career as an electrician, including spending her high school in Snohomish County, neighbor to Seattle. As a cheerleader, she was found by a modeling agency and went to the top of the modeling world.

Ms. Tiegen developed her voice through her career and ensured she did not fall to the image. She worked to achieve multiple spreads in Sports Illustrated swimsuit editions, including the cover of the 50th anniversary issue.

Ms. Tiegen married John Legend, meeting on set for a music video. Together, they have a family of two bambinos. They speak openly about the struggles they had both in conceiving with in vitro technology, but in dealing with post partum depressions, an issue that up to 20% of women deal with.

She moved beyond modeling to be in the public eye through television as a spokesperson and qualified chef. She authored a cookbook, Cravings: Recipes for All of the Food You Want to Eat, the second best seller cookbook on New York Times. She is known for her diligence and passion for food culture and cooking.

She is one of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People of 2019. She is outspoken and strong willed, and offers her warmth and personality to every endeavor. As she won Glamour Magazine Women of the Year in 2018, John Legend said, “Chrissy’s biggest impact may be the way she proves that just by being the person you are, you can make a difference. Being who you are, unapologetically.” She and John explain more as the cover of December 2019 Vanity Fair.

Why this woman?
People are constantly judged for being what they are perceived ... visually. I have friends that have shared with me how people exclaim of their visual characteristics thinking they are complimenting the person ... only to alienate them and make them feel on display or unattractive. It has happened to me. Where I haven’t had #metoo issues, I have had judgment. That makes me insecure and hidden in my hands. That feeling of falling into the shadows, maybe not to be noticed.

Chrissy is the embodiment of beauty, put on a pedestal for her grace and elegance. But she efforts real personality in everything she endeavors. She promotes speaking about difficulties women face as they raise their children. She speaks openly against leaders that affect her views or disenfranchise her voice.

Women, commonly more in her profession, are disengaged from the conversation of politics and life problems. She is not afraid to speak against people or systems that place her in a box. She struggles with issues that women face, everyday, and encourages making herself similar to us all. She is not above us. She is just able to be seen more.


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