24 - Maine, Erin Andrews

Many times women love the same things men do with just as much knowledge and drive. My sister has always shown me the power of following mens' sports with passion and ferocity. Erin Andrews also is a leader in following her passion to be the voice in sports.

Maine was the 19th state to pass the Nineteenth Amendment. Way to go 19 for 19! Cheers.

Similar to many of the women highlighted, Erin Andrews saw an industry dominated by men took her passion to jump in. Inspired by a handful of women predecessors, Erin saw a way to live her love for sports as a career.

The position and opportunity were in her grasp, but she went through the obstacles and development to become a leader in sports casting and other media outlets. Graduating from University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science in Telecommunications, she worked herself up the ranks as a freelance reporter for Fox NFL and lead reporter for many Georgia and Florida teams.

Through the 2010-2015 seasons she quickly grew to be a side line correspondent and leader for many agencies, reporting for most significant sporting events on Fox Sports. She additionally became correspondents for “Dancing with the Stars”, CMT Music Awards, and WWE Smackdown.

Ms. Andrews personal life has resounded two public situations. The first, a survivor of cervical cancer, she is a spokesperson for early diagnosis and personal health care to educate women and men on managing their personal medical needs.

The second, more public involvement relates to a personal lawsuit against both a stalker that created and released videos of her in her hotel rooms, and the hotels that provided information to the offender. This long and arduous lawsuit commanded years of her life from 2008 - 2015, both fighting for the damages, but also to clear the internet of the released data.

Why this woman?

Since leaving high school, I have not been an avid follower of sports, but I have women in my family and life that live by the adrenaline just as much as any man does. They relish in the statistics and strategy like anyone, though do have to put a constant push out to make people believe them. This extra effort frequently becomes heated debates that are more about proving the women know their facts than actually talking about the information. Erin is one woman in my generation (Go Class of 2000!) that stands on the sidelines with a strong voice that you can’t deny.

The public stalking incident is when I really began to see Erin. Her pain and fear in the late years of the trial was palpable to me. Trying to be a woman in a man’s world where the hottest story to talk to her was about her nude videos strikes a chord with me. Women fight to be seen as equals, and based on looks or situations take steps backwards because they can’t refocus people to the true cause. This is an inequity that women battle to men. And one I don’t see recognized by their male peers. It isn’t easy to turn a blind eye. It needs to be addressed. And every time, that sets women back.


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